ООО "НикаВуд" — качественные деревянные окна

  • Адрес:
    г.Санкт-Петербург, пр-т Тореза, 68
  • Телефон/Факс:
    (812) 552-28-07/(812) 552-97-60

  • Контакты



Информация о компании:

Род деятельности: Современные решения для строительства в компании ЕвроАэроБетон, у нас представлены газобетонная крошка, стеновые, перегородочные и u-образные газобетонные блоки, клей и инструмент для газобетона.

Адрес компании: Смолячкова, 19
194044, г. Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург и область

Описание компании

The autoclave curing gas concrete (porous concrete) production plant is located on a 5 hectare plot in a new engineering building with plan dimensions of 90-х 120 min Slantsy industrial estate, Leningrad region. The enterprise commission and production of the first gas-concrete blocks batch took place in December, 2008.

Main suppliers of raw material for porous concrete production are placed in the immediate vicinity of the enterprise and include two cement plants, a lime production plant, glass sand deposits, plaster deposits. The plant water supply is carried out of its own water holes. A heat electric generation plant providing the plant with power supply is also located in close proximity to the plant. A dead-end track and a timber pallet production plant are operating some twenty meters from the plant area. This condition in conjunction with large market out lets form the base of the plant’s competitiveness in this region.

Technological processes integrated design and the plant upgrading with advanced foreign equipment were performed by PHILCO engineering company (Germany) which implemented its own know-how.

Строительные материалы / конструкции: Строительные блоки


Телефон: +7(812)385-03-07, 385-03-09, 385-03-06, 385-0308
Сайты: aerobeton.ru

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